Writer’s Cramp (cramp of the hand)

wrist-pain-28096146 by m-citalliance 123rfWhat is Writer’s Cramp?

Caused by over-use and holding the tension of muscles in the hand causing them to go into spasm or give-way. Overuse of conventional computer mice can be a cause of this condition. This can be difficult to treat effectively. Rest, warmth and using the right ergonomic equipment will ease the condition.

An ergonomic vertical mouse and keyboard and in particular the DXT02W mouse (as shown) is easy to get used to and feels much like holding a pen to use.

DXT02W ergonomic vertical wireless mouse

Software that types for you rests the fingers, wrists, arm, elbow and neck while writing by talking to your PC.

Physiotherapy for Writer’s Cramp?

Rest is essential, and it is often the thing most difficult to get when you rely on using the hand for your livelihood. A Physiotherapist will usually massage the whole limb, from finger-tips to above the shoulder, also the side of the neck and the upper part of the spine as continued tension will have caused all muscles along the route to be over-used.

What to look for in Ergonomic mice and keyboards